Coming Soon! Key Legal Concerns Facing Entrepreneurs in the Digital Age
Jenkins Law Library CLE, upcoming on March 20, 2020! Please sign up on this link:
Tips for Client Management of Financial Distress Issues: How can you help your business and individual clients who find themselves at risk?
Women Owned Law, December 7, 2018
International and Foreign Business Law with co-panelists David Zaring, Wharton Legal Studies and Business Ethics Department and James McGann, University of Pennsylvania Lauder Institute
Wharton Business Law Association, December 2017
Rhythm and Rules: Fine Tuning Music Copyright Law with co-panelists Eric Bazilian, Hooters band founding member and Cynthia Dahl, University of Pennsylvania School of Law
Wharton Business Law Association, November 2017
Telehealth, Mobile health and AI Q3’20 Results
For those interested in a comprehensive yet concise survey of the various digital health sectors, unicorns, investors, trends and more, check out CB Insight's State...
Subchapter V allows Cramdown of Collateral Value
In Pearl Resources, another case of first impression under Subchapter V, a Texas court confirmed a cramdown plan with a reduced collateral value. Parsing a mix of...
Subchapter V has become a cost-effective bankruptcy lifeline for a business reboot
A group of mid-western businesses comment on their unique ability to reorganize under Subchapter V of the Bankruptcy Code in accordance with its intended goal to allow...
Uber and Lyft are Counting on Referendum to Override recent Appeals Court Ruling
As the Uber-Lyft talent saga continues, it is a fascinating legal phenomenon that a grass-roots referendum can override the decision of the highest court of...
The Values and Strengths that Orthodox Jewish Women Bring to the Workplace
JOFA Journal, Spring 2019
Jewish Debtor-Creditor Law: Does it Permit the Filing for Bankruptcy in the U.S. Courts?
Louis D. Brandeis Law Society Newsletter September 2011
The Impact of Lay Leadership on Gender Issues in Jewish Day Schools
The JOFA Journal, Volume IX, No. 2 Summer 2011, Av 5771