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Upcoming Jenkins CLE on Legal and Regulatory Issues for Digital Health Products and AI

Please join me for a CLE Webinar on the topic of Legal and Regulatory Issues for Digital Health Products and AI that I will be...
Jenkins 120 years

Join me for a CLE on Building your Healthcare Start-Up as an Intra or Entrepreneur!

Looking forward to giving a CLE Webinar for Jenkins Law Library, Creating a Company: Intra and Entrepreneurship in the Healthcare Space on  February 28, 2024.  We...
sitting panel

Loved Participating on this Panel on Redesigning Medical Entrepreneurship

Thanks to my co-panelists for a great discussion on Redesigning Medical Entrepreneurship in the Global space! And thanks to Sheba Medical Center for hosting an...
SPARC group

Enjoyed talking about AI in the IP and FDA spaces with Sheba’s SPARC ventures!

Mazal Tov to the amazing and innovative digital health entrepreneurs at Sheba Medical Center that just graduated from the SPARC bootcamp.  I really enjoyed talking...
DIGH 502 Legal and Business Tools for Digital Health Entrepreneurship 2_Page_2

Digital Health Course for Working Professionals

Looking for a new home for my online course on the topic of Business and Legal Tools for Digital Health Entrepreneurship.  All thoughts are welcome!

Really enjoyed teaching this CLE on Digital Health Entrepreneurship at Jenkins Law Library

Thanks as always to Jenkins Law Library for hosting my webinar on Building a Digital Health Start-up: Legal and Contract Tips.  This CLE is available...



Demystifying Bankruptcy: More on tenant tips

Filing for bankruptcy can help a tenant break a long-term above-market lease, as bankruptcy law provides the tenant with a special cap on damages at...
default 3

Demystifying Bankruptcy: Filing for bankruptcy can never cause a contract default

For example, a typical clause in leases states that a tenant's filing for bankruptcy causes a default, allowing the collection of remedies.  This is merely...
Fraudulent transfer

Demystifying Bankruptcy: Avoid “fraudulent transfers”

A salary raise by a distressed business entity for no services, or transfer of funds to a new entity for no value are prime examples...

Demystifying bankruptcy: Start your prep 3+ months ahead

Planning is key.  Payment by an insolvent entity for old debt is known as a "preference," and the creditor may have to disgorge in bankruptcy...

Wharton Student Comments 2018

Wharton Student Comments 2018
foreclosure mediation photo

Defending Homeowner’s Rights in Philadelphia’s Court of Common Pleas 2010

Philadelphia's Mortgage Foreclosure Conciliation Program https://vimeo.com/16462739


The Values and Strengths that Orthodox Jewish Women Bring to the Workplace

JOFA Journal, Spring 2019

Jewish Debtor-Creditor Law: Does it Permit the Filing for Bankruptcy in the U.S. Courts?

Louis D. Brandeis Law Society Newsletter September 2011 http://brandeislawsociety.org/news?newsitem=jewish-debtor-creditor-law-does-it-permit-the-filing-for-bankruptcy-in-the-us-courts.

The Impact of Lay Leadership on Gender Issues in Jewish Day Schools

The JOFA Journal, Volume IX, No. 2 Summer  2011, Av 5771

Eikha Through the Voices of Women

The JOFA Journal, Volume VII, No. 2 Summer 2008, Tammuz 5768

FF&E and the True Lease Question: Article 2A and Accompanying Amendments to UCC Section 1-201(37)

American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review, Volume 7, No. 2 Winter 1999

PCS Licenses and The ‘Specter’ of Bankruptcy

6 CommLaw Conspectus: Journal of Communications Law and Policy 59 Winter 1998