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Posts Tagged ‘Loan’

Establishing a U.S. Entity – A Primer for Israeli Digital Health Start-Ups

Had a fabulous experience serving as faculty on the topic of Establishing a U.S. Entity  for Tel Aviv University’s annual 4-day bootcamp, Health Care Technological Innovation – From Idea to Commercialization, hosted by the Lahav Executive Program for Biotechnology, Medical Device and Health IT Entrepreneurs and Managers at the Coller School of Management.  This unique intensive program focuses…

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Title VII Loophole Allowing Bank Discrimination May be Soon be Closed

As our country reconciles inequity in the law, The Fair Access to Financial Services Act, introduced last week, prohibits discrimination by banks, closing a gaping loophole.  Title VII subjects only certain businesses to its prohibitions, such as movie theaters, restaurants and hotels, allowing banks to treat customers differently.  While many states prohibit bank discrimination, the disparity necessitates…

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Stakeholders anxiously await clarification of PPP loan forgiveness process

Borrowers and lenders are being advised to sit tight, while Congress reworks the kinks toward debt forgiveness for PPP loans.  As outlined by the NYT, progress is being made toward overcoming the various hurdles so that all stakeholders will be able to achieve the initiative’s well-intended respite and fresh start.

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Averting Bankruptcy: PPP loan forgiveness to be launched

The SBA is thankfully beginning to forgive PPP loans, staving off the backlog blocking new loans, as well as averting bankruptcy filings in the face of mounting debt.  Legislation is also being drafted to streamline the paperwork for forgiving small loans, by permitting borrowers to self-verify to the proper use of funds.    

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New Student Loan Consumer Group is Taking Initiative

A new student loan consumer watchdog group is taking initiative to help and protect student borrowers in the absence of government action.  This non-profit consumer group is led by people who quit the Trump administration Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and hope to serve as a check on the student loan industry.  Known as the Student Borrower Protection…

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